Play Guitar Podcast

On today's episode, I answer these great questions: How do you key down for vocals?, Any tips for playing blues turnarounds?, Can you help me with bracing?, How do you dial in a Fender amp? Show notes at: Copyright ©2019 Play Guitar Podcast

Direct download: 087-pgp-082719.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EST

On today's episode, I went over the tones from the Tech21 Fly Rig 5, and answered the question: How do you know what notes to use when tapping?  Show notes at: ©2019

Direct download: 086-pgp-082019.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EST

On today's episode, I answer these great questions: What is a twelve string guitar?, Are power chords Major or minor?, What's the best quality Fender Stratocaster for the money?, What's the best electric for those who like the feel of acoustic guitars?, What are Pedal tones? Show notes at: Copyright ©2019 Play Guitar Podcast

Direct download: 085-pgp-081319.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EST

On today's episode, I answer these great questions: Do you learn scales by memorizing patterns or notes on the fretboard?, Any tips on not engaging the string above the bended note?, How do you link chords and scales in the CAGED system? Show notes at: Copyright ©2019 Play Guitar Podcast

Direct download: 084-pgp-080619.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EST